Friday, July 8, 2011

When Hillary comes to town I can always anticipate a night of cooking, dancing, and drinking (maybe a little more than what should be consumed). Sometimes we meet cute boys or get creeped on by not-so-cute boys. The night usually ends with a drunken message written across the dry erase board. Out of habit we turn on a movie for the comfort of background noise and pass out. The morning always consists of a groggy trip to NorthStar to replenish our bodies.
We've started many unspoken traditions over the years that, I believe, have given us some of our favorite memories. It saddens me she will soon be moving out of Ohio, although at the same time I am extremely excited for her. I can easily say she was one of my first friends as a child and is still one of my favorites. I want to wish you the best of luck Hillary Miller. I know you're going to experience a new and refreshing college experience.

P.S. Please watch Winter's Bone before you make the move. (this is my only way of persuading you from making the move.)